professional-development workforce-development
The CAREERS Cyberteam Program is a 3-year initiative funded by the National Science Foundation (Award No. 2018873) to build a regional pool of Research Computing Facilitators to support…
professional-development research-facilitation training workforce-development
The Certified Cyberinfrastructure Facilitator Training and Development (CCIFTD) program is a first-of-its-kind, non matriculated certification of professional development for CI Facilitators.…
professional-development training
Communication, Teamwork and Leadership training for CyberInfrastructure Professionals. This project provides professional skills training curriculum for technically proficient CI…
community-outreach mentorship professional-development
CCMNet unites cyberinfrastructure (CI) professionals to enhance community support for research and academic institutions, maximizing CI utilization for research advancement through peer…
professional-development training workforce-development
The Northeast Cyberteam makes advanced computing and data resources and research computing facilitators more readily available to support computationally intensive research at small and…
We empower the science gateway community by connecting people and resources to accelerate discovery.
Science gateways are online interfaces that give researchers, educators, and students easy…