Arizona State University-Tempe
Campus Champions, CCMNet
mentor, regional facilitator, research computing facilitator, Affinity Group Leader, regional admin, CCMNet PM, CCMNet
Southeast Missouri State University
Great Plains, Campus Champions, CCMNet
researcher/educator, research computing facilitator, Affinity Group Leader, CCMNet
South Dakota State University
Great Plains, CCMNet
regional facilitator, Affinity Group Leader, CCMNet
South Dakota State University
Campus Champions, Great Plains, CCMNet
representative, research computing facilitator, Affinity Group Leader, CCMNet PM, CCMNet
University of California, Riverside
student-facilitator, cssn, CCMNet
Colorado School of Mines
Campus Champions, MINES
mentor, research computing facilitator
United States Geological Survey
Campus Champions, RMACC
research computing facilitator, ci systems engineer
California State University-Los Angeles
Rice University
mentor, research computing facilitator, research software engineer, cssn
University of Rhode Island
Campus Champions, CAREERS, Northeast
mentor, regional facilitator, researcher/educator, research computing facilitator, Affinity Group Leader, steering committee
ACCESS CSSN, At-Large, Campus Champions, CAREERS, CCMNet, Northeast
administrator, ExportPeople, research computing facilitator, Affinity Group Leader, steering committee, Coco PM, ConnectCi PM, Careers SC, CCMNet PM, CIP, CCMNet, CCMNet Admin
Rochester Institute of Technology
Campus Champions
research computing facilitator
Austin Peay State University
Campus Champions, CCMNet
mentor, researcher/educator, research computing facilitator, CCMNet