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AI Bootcamp for CI Professionals - Common Foundation Track

02/14/23 - 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM EST

The AI bootcamp will provide a common foundation in AI methods and technology for professionals in a wide range of roles supporting the research computing and data needs for an organization.  The bootcamp is being offered virtually, meeting for two 2-hour sessions each week, 8 sessions in February and March with optional python refresher sessions (Feb 14 & 16) before the start of the bootcamp. AI topics will be taught by experts from the Computer Science and Engineering Department at The Ohio State University.  

Dates:  Feb 14 – Mar 21

Days & Times: Tues 3-5, Thurs 1-3

Instructors: Dhabaleswar K (DK) Panda, Hari Subramoni, Eric Fosler-Lussier, Raghu Machiraju, Rajiv Ramnath, Aamir Shafi,  Jany Chan 


  • Python Tools for Data Analysis
  • Science Case studies
  • Typical Data Types (tables, images, time series, maps and text)
  • Fundamentals of Machine Learning
  • Bayesian Modeling
  • Neural Networks
  • Machine Learning and Deep Learning Frameworks
  • Practical ML workflows for text and image data
  • Parallel ML/DL Training Algorithms
  • Scaling out ML/DL Training
  • Common ML/DL Benchmarks and libraries
  • Distributed Data Science using Dask
  • Challenges in Exploiting HPC systems for DL, ML, and Data Science

Bootcamp sessions will involve a mix of lecture, discussion, and hands on activities, and all sessions will be recorded and made available for later viewing. Computing resources will be provided by Ohio Supercomputer Center.  We are very interested in participation from professionals from a range of institutions with varying technical backgrounds and from communities that are both well represented and underrepresented in the CI workforce to help us to develop a program that is relevant, welcoming, and accessible to everyone in our community. There is no cost for the bootcamp

See our project webpage for more information on the project (NSF award OAC-2118250) and to check back on our plans for a follow on bootcamp in Summer 2023 specifically for Software and Data facing CI professionals.


ktomko [at], kcahill [at]


