We are developing a new language model derived from the EleutherAI GPT-Neo initiative ( https://github.com/EleutherAI/gpt-neo ) for application to two projects. These problems need models the skill close to that of the state-of-the art GPT-3 proprietary model. One project is a demonstration of the model for state-of-the-art image captioning, the other project is the publication of the full model as an open community tools for the research community.
For both projects we are interested in collaborating with Cyberteams students to work on model training optimization and testing. The project is looking to run model training and evaluate performance on multi-node configurations of the Aimos 6-GPU/node system. This will allow us to examine scaling and potentially prepare for large experiments with appropriate discussions with IBM teams. The model we will use is efficient and some preliminary work has been undertaken at MGHPCC. Both the RPI and MGHPCC systems have excellent carbon emissions footprints so we also anticipate being able to report energy and emissions statistics that are state-of-the-art for large scale language model training too.
Project Information Subsection
Start - Core benchmarks on Aimos 4-nodes, 6 GPUs/node
Middle - Extended model training with checkpointing and "Turing test" validations against standard benchmarks.
Conclusion - Initial paper submitted to NeurIPS and plans for extended experiments explored. Codes and models will be made fully available as open source in a professional form with documentation and available to any research group.
A student with interest in ML and some programming experience would be best.
Can work with any level
Cambridge, Massachusetts. 02139
Already behind3Start date is flexible
One month
Milestone Title: Start Milestone Description: Core benchmarks on Aimos 4-nodes, 6 GPUs/node Completion Date Goal: 2021-05-06
Milestone Title: Middle Milestone Description: Extended model training with checkpointing and "Turing test" validations against standard benchmarks. Actual Completion Date: 2021-05-18
Milestone Title: Close Milestone Description: Initial paper submitted to NeurIPS and plans for extended experiments explored. Codes and models will be made fully available as open source in a professional form with documentation and available to any research group. Completion Date Goal: 2021-06-15
Tools, will be openly published via GitHub.
Two at least
1. NeurIPS
2. TBD
various ML tools
pytorch, NCCL, megatron, deeper speed
performance profiling
profiling of GPU codes on Aimos and on MGHPCC Satori systems
This will be a collaboration involving some of the most energy efficient systems with models that are traditionally seen as very resource hungry.
4 Aimos nodes, 6 GPUs per node.
There are two student facilitators (Alex Andonian and David Bau) and one mentor (John Cohn) not currently in the Cyberteams system.